The range of Gold Medal compression fittings & valves are for use with high-density polyethylene pipes dedicated to fluid reticulation. They can be used in irrigation, drinking water systems and include many items suitable for a very wide range of plant engineering installation requirements. The sizes range from 20mm to 110mm. All fittings with a female threaded portion of 32mm or greater are reinforced externally with a stainless-steel ring.

Product Dimensions

Dimensions Table

113/0025x0020 25 × 20
113/0032x0020 32 × 20
113/0032x0025 32 × 25
113/0040x0025 40 × 25
113/0040x0032 40 × 32
113/0050x0025 50 × 25
113/0050x0032 50 × 32
113/0050x0040 50 × 40
113/0063x0025 63 × 25
113/0063x0032 63 × 32
113/0063x0040 63 × 40
113/0063x0050 63 × 50
113/0075x0063 75 × 63
113/0090x0063 90 × 63
113/0090x0075 90 × 75
113/0110x0090 110 × 90

Technical Data

Maximum Working Pressure:
16 BAR while operating at a maximum temperature of 20°C

Temperature Rating:
0°C – 45°C